Google’s Applied Digital Skills: Beginner Lessons
Google and COABE are co-hosting a webinar series around Google's free digital literacy ...
Adult Educator Resources
Google and COABE are co-hosting a webinar series around Google's free digital literacy ...
I-DEA (Integrated Digital English Acceleration), funded initially by the Bill and Melin...
I-DEA is a flipped/hybrid integrated skills curriculum for lower-level adult English la...
“App to Speed” learning circles use free or low-cost online apps designed for low-liter...
Over the past several years, Literacy New York successfully developed and implemented o...
Stretched budgets and part-time teachers present challenges for providing meaningful le...
Bring your own device and be an active participant in this high-energy workshop, and yo...
Help wanted: Production workers needed for this session! Join us for this interactive s...
Searching for relevant resources online to prepare students for the post-test in math a...
Data tools, ways to use data tools, how data can support Adult Education. Concerns...
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