House United: Creating Opportunity and Learning in a Combined ABE and Developmental Education Program

Abstract: Supporting ABE students’ academic success means advocating for institutional change beyond the borders of ABE programs. Our goal is to generate dialogue about the culture of ABE at our institutions to identify opportunities for student-centered initiatives that open college pathways for ABE students. Combined co-taught ABE and Development Education courses at TCC have broadened perspectives on student capacity, exposed assumptions and stereotypes, and created opportunities for acceleration. Through collaborative inquiry, learning from student voice, and focused discussion, participants will critically examine their programs to discover potential areas of growth. Strategies for merging curriculum, developing stakeholder buy-in, and shifting cultural paradigms will be shared, along with lessons learned.Creative Commons License
House United by Blaine Hunt and Allison Muir is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.