Building and Growing Apprenticeship with Equity in Mind: Introducing the Equitable Apprenticeship Toolkit
Subject Area: DEI (Diversity
Program Level: Adult Basic Education
Material Type: Presentations/Slideshows
Language: English
License: (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) For license summary click here 

Abstract: The Equitable Apprenticeship Toolkit was developed to help those designing and running pre-apprenticeship and apprenticeship programs to intentionally encourage and support the inclusion of apprentices who reflect the full diversity of our communities. Come learn what is included in the toolkit and how the information-gathering and action-planning tools could be a resource for your team. Concrete examples of how programs have successfully utilized this toolkit and linked adult education to apprenticeship will be shared. Original webinar date: February 16, 2023 Webinar recording link: https://youtu.be/i1sIubXA89I