Career Pathways: Designing and Implementing Texas Style

Abstract: In 2014, Texas transferred the AEFLA program to the Texas Workforce Commission ushering in a new era for adult education and bringing the program in line with student, community and stakeholder demand. Texas began building a Career Pathway system to serve adult education participants with new opportunities across the state. Through a tiered design of pathways into postsecondary, integrated education and training, specialized ESL programs for foreign trained professionals, or workplace literacy in partnership with employers, Texas launched a statewide effort to drive increased student success for college and employment outcomes. The Texas state director and career pathway lead outline the strategic model and driving factors in the system transformation. Detail on the statewide system design, core program components, models of implementation, integration dynamics, and the process for documenting practice across a diverse provider system of 34 entities. as included. ATTACHMENTS: Career Pathways TX style COABE 2016 Upload AEL Career Pathway Activities to March 2016 upload AEL Letter 02 16_ Implementing the Integrated Education and Training Service Approach