Collaborating, Exploring Virtual Manipulatives, and Deepening the Conceptual of Factors and More, in a Distance Learning Classroom
Subject Area: Mathematics/Numeracy
Program Level: Adult Basic Education
Material Type: Presentations/Slideshows
Language: English
License: (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) For license summary click here 

Abstract: Online, HyFlex/hybrid, and distance learning classrooms have changed how we teach, but not what we teach. In this session, we will look at using Jamboard as a way to explore virtual manipulatives, conceptual understanding, and student collaboration. We will start with “what is multiplication and division?”, connect it to factors, and then build to prime numbers and square roots. The focus will be on building conceptual understanding and coherence, while using virtual manipulatives in a platform where students have opportunities to collaborate. Original webinar date: January 21, 2022 Webinar recording link: https://youtu.be/aWbY_b3oB2A