Libraries and Literacies are Synonymous: Let’s talk about W.I.O.A and its impacts on libraries, adult education & workforce development programs creating vital partnerships

Abstract: Education and lifelong learning are the keys to opportunity for individuals and communities at large. The enactment of the Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act (WIOA) has reauthorized educational and workforce development policies. In the next couple of years, WIOA will require a shift in the delivery of adult education literacy instruction and workforce development. Libraries are at the cornerstone of this legislative and are among the most accessible institutions both public and academic libraries reach all populations. Thus, the outreach capabilities that libraries bring to the table make them a crucial partner to assist with the implementation of WIOA core principles. This workshop will provide attendees with the tools to create a sustainable partnership with both pubic libraries and community colleges libraries. Through strong partnerships attendees will be able to accelerate learning and distribute skills and knowledge; and can add depth and breadth the community using legislative set forth under WIOA. This pre-conference will be a mix of facilitated discussions followed by hands-on activities using successful examples of libraries and community-based organizations. Participants will have an opportunity to perform a SWOT analysis of their respective programs and a library. The attendees will not be required to have any prior knowledge of creating partnerships. You will gain new skills to utilize at your respective programs. ATTACHMENTS: Adult Literacy and Libraries Community Partnerships Adult Literacy through Libraries Building a National Movement