Teaching Strategies and Techniques: Making Instruction Effective and Efficient

Abstract: Effective instruction in reading, writing, and math is critical. Clearly teaching students how to learn, to be life-long learners, and to be able to generalize information in daily-life and the workplace is important. However, the ultimate goal in Adult Basic Education (ABE) is for students to obtain employment or advance in their current employment setting. Therefore, adult education should support all students, including those with special learning needs, as they move towards post-secondary education and training in support of career pathways and career development. With that said, one of the most important skills ABE students need to learn is “how” to learn. Participants in this session will begin to understand how to support students in becoming strategic learners. They will be introduced to techniques and strategies that: 1) more effectively teach reading, writing, and math skills, 2) teach students how to learn best for themselves, how to be life-long learners, and how to be able to generalize information to daily-life and the workplace settings and 3) teach using all modalities effectively so students can learn and remember information more easily. Participants will also begin to understand how to provide a full range of reading, writing, and or math instruction through activities in multi-level classes that include all learning styles. Examples of potential lessons and lesson activities will be provided.