Entrepreneurship Bridges & IETs for the Innovation & Gig Economy

Abstract: The Innovation and Gig Economy is here to stay, so it is important to prepare adult learners with an entrepreneurial mindset and innovation-based workforce-readiness skills to productively participate in it as employees and/or entrepreneurs. Join the conversation and ask questions about integrating entrepreneurship education and certifications across adult education programs for more empowered, prosperous employment outcomes. A collection of helpful resources and best practices will be shared, including the annual COABE Online Entrepreneurship Institute for Adult Educators & Service Providers and the U.S. Entrepreneurship Certification Examinations available in HS/HSE/IET, ABE/ESL, and Spanish versions. Previous COABE Institute participants from around the country who have already started Entrepreneurship Bridges and Integrated Education and Training (IET) programs will share strategies and tips on how to get started. Original webinar date: August 9, 2023 Webinar recording link: https://youtu.be/0pamFKCClF0 Webinar presentation slides and resources link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/10ObO-RGNoomk85XVr8pX4iJMGkN_gpdD?usp=sharing