Giving Students a Bigger and Better Academic Vocabulary
Subject Area: Speaking/Listening
Program Level: Adult Basic Education, Conference 2016 Materials, ESL/ESOL
Material Type: Presentations/Slideshows
Language: English
License: (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) For license summary click here 

Abstract: Because of its abstract nature, academic vocabulary is challenging to teach and to learn. Many adult learners, including native and non-native English speakers, lack the vocabulary needed to comprehend complex text, making upward transition difficult or impossible. In this COABE Conference 2016 presentation, participants were able to try several engaging and effective classroom activities to improve students' academic vocabulary. Appropriate for teachers of ABE/ASE and High Intermediate to Advanced ESL students. ATTACHMENTS: COABE 2016 Giving Bigger Better Vocab PPT COABE 2016 Giving Bigger Better Vocab Handout 1 1