Increase Your Adult Learner’s Employability with the IBM SkillsBuild Credentialing Platform

Abstract: IBM SkillsBuild is a free digital platform that connects adult learners with a curated path of job-focused learning. The platform has more than 11,000 badges and credentials, personal assessment testing, resume building, and courses that have been configured by COABE and IBM to help your learners develop technology and professional skills to increase their employability. Join us to jump start this opportunity in your local program! You will gain hands-on experience and a working knowledge of the platform. At the close of the webinar, you will be able to sign your adult learners up to explore the platform! Original webinar date: May 3, 2021 Webinar recording link: https://youtu.be/O2W2ZHplATY Webinar presentation: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1ZIjhnJe9VtbgBEgvXyhU5znhmrlBb2_z8VPxtfCIIe4/edit#slide=id.p IBM SkillsBuild page: https://coabe.org/coabe-ibm-skillsbuild/ Template to sign up adult learners, volunteers, teachers: https://drive.google.com/file/d/14eM5xR4PneON2savBqNhAUoW89tC59UF/view?usp=sharing Questions: contact ibmskillsbuild@coabe.org