Understanding Volume and Surface Area from the Inside Out
Subject Area: Mathematics/Numeracy
Program Level: Adult Basic Education, College & Career Readiness, Conference 2018 Materials, GED Test Preparation, HiSET Exam Preparation, TASC Test Preparation
Material Type: Lesson Plan
Language: English
License: (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) For license summary click here 

Abstract: The provided materials were used for a workshop at the 2018 COABE Conference. This session provided participants with hands-on activities to explore the most common solid figures used on the HSE in an effort to discover how they might develop their own formulas for these shapes. By investigating the relationships and properties of these shapes, participants improved understanding of the meaning behind the formulas provided on the HSE tests. They also evaluated a workplace scenario in marketing to see how the SA and V of solid figures can influence how products are designed.