When Worlds Collide: Blended Learning for 2016
Subject Area: Digital, Computer Literacy & Technology
Program Level: Adult Basic Education, Adult ESOL/ESL, College & Career Readiness, Conference 2016 Materials, ESL/ESOL, GED Test Preparation, HiSET Exam Preparation, Professional Development, TASC Test Preparation, Workforce Readiness
Material Type: Presentations/Slideshows
Language: English
License: (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) For license summary click here 

Abstract: How can you prepare your students and program for computer literacy, critical thinking, and the high school equivalency (HSE) exams all at the same time? Do you feel you could get more value out of your investment in technology and computer-based curricula? Join two blended learning specialists from Essential Education for examples of how adult education programs have successfully used blended learning in their classrooms. We will use algebra lessons as a model to transform existing adult education classes into blended learning. Come to get your questions answered, share your successes, and make technology work for you.