Static to Dynamic: The Complete Math Experience
Subject Area: Mathematics/Numeracy
Program Level: GED Test Preparation, HiSET Exam Preparation, TASC Test Preparation
Material Type: Teaching/Learning Strategies
Language: English
License: (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) For license summary click here 

Abstract: Tactile, paper, and tech engaging activities preparing students for the everyday life math and the GED ®, TASC, or HiSET. This workshop introduces examples in lesson planning for the math interactive classroom. Get rewarded with motivating lessons that actively engage. Well-planned, multi-sensory activities develop skills needed for math success. Realia, hardcopies and computer interaction create a harmoniously balanced instruction that meaningfully utilizes technology. ATTACHMENTS: Static To Dynamic Complete Handout Static to Dynamic Static to Dynamic Math Games Static to Dynamic Math