Empower Students, Families and Communities through a Two Generation/Family Literacy Program
“It’s bigger than all of us” is how one Adult Education student describes his Family Li...
Adult Educator Resources
“It’s bigger than all of us” is how one Adult Education student describes his Family Li...
The Power of Partnerships: Adult Literacy and Libraries
How Professional Wisdom is Reframing Educational and Workplace Environments
“The career pathways approach connects progressive levels of basic skills and postsecon...
❖Review a process for planning and implementing an IET. ❖Explore tools for developing ...
Foundational Skills are the basic, entry-level skills that are common across most workf...
In the age of WIOA, Language Arts classroom is a place where reading, writing, test pr...
This presentation will provide and audience with Iowa's approach to implementing altern...
Health Literacy: the degree to which individuals have the capacity to obtain, process a...
Wisconsin Health Literacy (WHL) is a statewide organization raising awareness of the im...
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