Seeking Equitable Access to Workforce Services for Adult Learners: Leveraging WIOA’s Priority of Service Provision

Abstract: Despite a legal mandate to prioritize serving English Learners (ELs) in adult workforce development programs, very few can currently access training services. The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) requires programs to grant priority of service to individuals who are considered “basic skills deficient,” and WIOA’s nondiscrimination and equal protection provisions forbid discrimination against ELs. Despite these requirements, as well as years of best practice research on implementing similar priority of service guidelines, few states and local workforce boards have taken steps to open up training services to ELs and those without a high school diploma or equivalent who meet the priority of service. Join us for a discussion of the priority of service mandate and the steps that are needed to ensure fair access to workforce training services for ELs and other target populations.