Conceptual Understanding of the Order of Operations – SLIDES

Abstract: Making a shift to more rigorous instruction means conceptual understanding and application in real-world contexts have importance equal to procedural skill and fluency. With that in mind, we'll look at a sample unit that uses a discovery approach to teaching mathematics. This approach is one of the building tools used to create a strong foundation of conceptual understanding in our students. The building blocks of this unit include six lessons that can be used to bring CCR Level B -“ D students to a higher level. Coherence between levels and connected ideas provides the mortar to use these building blocks to achieve a solid base for algebra. Activities for the session include mental math exercises to illustrate several of the properties of operations, writing expressions using bingo chip arrays, and looking at student work. Participants will leave with access to a unit of six lessons and the digital materials to teach this unit in their own classrooms, as well as their own deeper understanding of the properties of operations. See the end of the slides for more detailed instructions on accessing the unit at achieve.org/equip. ATTACHMENTS: Conceptual Understanding of the Order of Operations COABE 2015 SLIDES1