Exploring How Problem Solving in Technology-Rich Environments Can Be Used to Design Responsive Programming

Abstract: Data from the Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) shows that adults in the 86 haYe significantly loZer digital skills than adults in other developed nations and implies that library patrons may struggle to use digital library resources. Multnomah County Library and Portland State University are collaborating on a project to assess community members' digital skills using a valid and reliable test created by the Organization for Economic and Cooperative Development (OECD) known as Education and Skills Online (ESO). This session will explore assessment results. Presenters will discuss the ways the team has adapted the ESO assessment tool to suit the needs of the library and the community and what the team has learned so far about how the PSTRE framework relates to library tasks that a typical adult learner may perform to access education and employment opportunities. ATTACHMENTS: Exploring How Problem Solving in Technology Rich Environments Can Be Used to Design Programming