How to Unlock the Power of Prison Education

Abstract: This webinar will bring awareness to key adult educators and correctional professionals regarding the power of correctional education and actions that could be taken to improve the amount and quality of education programs behind bars. It will be a presentation and discussion of How to Unlock the Power of Prison Education written by Stephen Steurer, published by Center for Human Capital and Education which describes the current state of education in US prisons, the major issues limiting the implementation and growth of correctional education and specific recommendations to research value and impact of correctional education, professional skills for teacher training and specific amendments to existing federal legislation to encourage more and better programs. Included in the discussion will be specific implications for expanding education programs in prisons and jails. For example, what can CE administrators due to improve their education/reentry programs? What strategies can be used to encourage more educational funding at the local and state level? Are participants aware of programs that use technology to enhance instruction? Original Webinar Date: October 9, 2020 Webinar Recording Link: https://youtu.be/cBYnpSjg2yI Resource Link: https://www.ets.org/s/research/pdf/how-to-unlock-the-power-of-prison-education.pdf