Integrated Education and Training (IET) Implementation Clinic: Innovative Approaches to Professional Development

Abstract: Under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, improving adult learners’ ability to attain a job with family-sustaining wages is a high priority. One vehicle to achieve this is Integrated Education and Training (IET) programs set within career pathways. While there are several professional development (PD) resources that introduce IET concepts and program models, many adult educators struggle as they put policy into practice and during the implementation phase. In particular, adult education and literacy instructors and technical skills instructors are challenged to create a single set of learning objectives. Program administrators likewise need guidance in supporting IET teachers effectively. This presentation will highlight recent, innovative approaches of the American Institutes for Research to support IET implementation among AEFLA providers across California. The co-presenters will describe PD strategies used in their implementation clinic and lessons learned. Participants will experience an interactive activity from the clinic and receive additional PD resources.