Learn about PREP’s strategic, holistic approach to help learners achieve higher completion rates

Abstract: Join us for a webinar on a groundbreaking delivery service known as Participants Reaching Employment Potential (PREP), a strategy developed by the Department of Labor and Regulation in partnership with adult education providers across South Dakota. PREP combines holistic case management with financial services to provide robust support for learners seeking their GED® credential to encourage higher success and completion rates overall. Original webinar date: October 4, 2022 Webinar recording link: https://youtu.be/qluw9iyi50U Here is the public link for our Youth/Job Corp PREP policy: https://dlr.sd.gov/workforce_services/wioa/wioa_manual/5.35_youth_prep.pdf and for our Adult PREP: https://dlr.sd.gov/workforce_services/wioa/wioa_manual/5.35_youth_prep.pdf