Making Measurable Skill Gains That Point To Student Success

Abstract: Helping students reach their goals is the mission of adult education. One critical component is to reassure students that they are making progress learning and to document their achievement of Measurable Skill Gains (MSGs), such as making assessment gains. It is now far easier than ever before to improve the chances for students to make MSGs by leveraging technology. In this webinar, learn how programs can use CASAS’ impressive features to easily access assessment results that can be quickly used to determine the BurlingtonEnglish instruction to emphasize. Teachers’ lives have never been easier! This streamlined approach also provides the benefit of enhancing data accuracy and completeness for reporting purposes, as well as improving the chances that students eligible to be tested won’t be missed. Administrators’ lives have never been easier! Join us to see this great synergy in action. Original Webinar Date: November 16, 2020 Webinar Recording Link: https://youtu.be/BRT1qAW3sbQ