MINDS THAT MOVE US TOOL KIT: A Collection of Place-Based Solutions for Future Adult Career Pathways Models

Abstract: In this current climate of health, economic and social unrest, new approaches for creating a greater abundance of effective and affordable career pathways for low-income learners are more important than ever. Two years ago, ten community-based teams embarked on a journey to do just that! They participated in the Minds that Move Us (MTMU) Adult Career Pathways Design Challenge, which focused on the creation of bold, sustainable career pathways approaches for low-income adults (aged 26+) for a chance to win $100,000 in prize money. Fast forward to present day, the ten teams have rich and timely lessons that are shared in The MTMU Toolkit: A Collection of Place-Based Solutions for Future Adult Career Pathways Models. During this engaging panel discussion, you’ll hear from teams that participated in the challenge and the project’s key partners—IEL, COABE, and NASDAE—as they discuss the toolkit’s key principles for being adaptable, removing barriers and maximizing potential to innovate within adult career pathways. Original Webinar Date: October 2, 2020 Webinar Recording Link: https://youtu.be/xPjjLVnMnqM