Student Services: Parallel Necessities for Transition Success

Abstract: FUHSD Adult School in California has an explicit focus on Academic Readiness. Specifically, we define Academic Readiness as: The ability to be successful in the current and next learning venue which includes developing self-advocacy, taking responsibility for educational goals and communicating effectively. Learn how our ABE and ASE induction system and orientation begins with academic readiness training (SOAR) prior to students stepping foot in a classroom. Find out how we moved from very little student support to an abundance of student support that includes academic counseling, student case management, goal setting and self-assessment activities, flexible scheduling, built-in supports such as tutoring and a Learning Resource Center, academic field trips, book clubs and more. Further, get insight into how we have run staff development for classified, teaching, and administrative staff to unify our efforts around providing excellent and consistent student services. ATTACHMENTS: COABE 2016 F CCR and Success Organizer paper may 2014 copy CCRS Wheel copy