Thriving Not Surviving: How Texas Rose to the Pandemic Challenge

Abstract: The pandemic is tough but Texas adult education is tougher! Texas Adult Education and Literacy bucked the trend of program closures and kept every area of the Lone Star state open to not only serve learners but enroll new students, especially those who have become unemployed. State director Anson Green and two local providers will describe what Texas did to rapidly expand distance and remote learning, mobile messaging apps, remote enrollment, and remote testing to keep the (virtual) doors open. Anson will describe the state-level response plan including rapid enhancements to policy, guidelines, communications, and funding. Local providers will describe how they flipped the switch from brick and mortar to remote services and did not let the pandemic take its toll on the progress of adult learners. Recording link: https://youtu.be/PB7lPnc9BXw Original Air Date: April 28, 2020