Upping the Rigor, Vertically Aligning the Curriculum from ESL to ASE (PPT accompanying materials)
Abstract: Upping the Rigor: Vertically Aligning the Curriculum from ESL to ASE Presentation Abstract (500 word maximum): This description will be included in the program) In 2015, we presented our overall ABE/ASE program to a packed room. Our COABE title was SOAR: Upping the Game of Academic Rigor in ABE and ASE,- and we detailed our massive structural, policy and curricular shifts. This was a macro presentation about revamp our ABE and ASE program (independent study to direct instruction and little student services to full-time counseling, field trips, and more). Our student enrollment and number of graduates has more than doubled as a result of our changes; similarly, we have had large increases in student persistence and completion levels. The next step in our work has been in the area of curriculum alignment. Specifically, we have expanded our goal and are now deeply involved in vertically aligning the curriculum from beginning ESL through ABE/ASE. This curriculum alignment anchors each class level and accompanying common assessments to the College and Career Readiness Standards (CCRS) and the Common Core Standards. Specifically we will share the following: Scaffolded activities, curriculum (including texts), and assessments that align the breadth and depth of the CCRSs; Layered assessments (within and between levels) that build to the final assessment rubric developed within the California State University System; Lesson plans that demonstrate what rigor looks like and sounds like in the classroom whether via a Shakespearean play; philosophical texts on logos, ethos and pathos; or written appeals to the United Nations about Syrian refugees. Our model of how teamwork, staff development, administrative support, curriculum planning and grading pay became part of our system of success. ATTACHMENTS: HANDOUT RIGOR COABE 2016 1 CCR and Success Organizer paper may 2014 IMG_0274 1 COABE Rigor 2016 Kickoff Slides