Using Technology to Drive Outcomes for Adult Learners: Real-World Success Stories From the Classroom

Abstract: For several decades, technology has been touted as a solution to many of the issues in adult education. From increasing equity and access to driving measurable outcomes, we have called on technology to do a lot of heavy lifting. This panel presentation will include experts in adult learning, technology-mediated instruction, and workforce education who will share best practices, lessons learned, and tips for successfully introducing technology into your instructional model. Original webinar date: September 11, 2023 Webinar recording link: https://youtu.be/TpOPf2LD2ZM **No presentation slides for this webinar, so please reference the links below: Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy’s Digital Literacy Resources for Educators, Employers, and Volunteers: https://www.barbarabush.org/digital-literacy-resources-for-educators-employers-and-volunteers/ Digital Literacy Action Plan: https://wakelet.com/wake/oE8aSwlIj5IskWqbMqnug Digital Skills Checklist: https://edtech.worlded.org/resource/sdei-skills-checklists-for-diverse-learners/ Digital Skills Library: https://edtech.worlded.org/resource/digital-skills-library/ and associated glossary: https://digitalskillslibrary.org/glossary Blog post "Maintaining Our Balance: Transferring Our Sustaining & High-Leverage Practices to the Virtual Learning Environment": https://edtech.worlded.org/maintaining-our-balance-transferring-our-sustaining-high-leverage-practices-to-the-virtual-learning-environment/ EdTech Integration Strategy Toolkit: https://edtech.worlded.org/digital-skill-building-by-design-the-edtech-integration-strategy-toolkit/ Foundations in AI for Adult Ed badges can be earned here: https://edtech.worlded.org/ai-for-education/ Resource Guide: https://www.barbarabush.org/digital-literacy-resources-for-educators-employers-and-volunteers/