What Story Does this Graph Tell?
Subject Area: Mathematics/Numeracy
Program Level: Adult Basic Education
Material Type: Presentations/Slideshows
Language: English
License: (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) For license summary click here 

Abstract: This webinar is for math, science, social studies, or ESOL teachers. The slow reveal graphs instructional strategy takes the focus off getting the “right” answer and allows students from a variety of backgrounds to work together to share their curiosity and interpret graphs. The examples will introduce a social justice topic–Disproportionate Incarceration–and will allow your students to share their own visuals about a meaningful social justice topic using the unit plan provided. Original webinar date: January 15, 2025 Webinar recording link: https://youtu.be/22SV8VPrsRQ Presentation materials link: https://bit.ly/2sVO7ju