Getting Your ELL Classroom Ready: Best Practices and Instructional Strategies for High-Level Engagement

Abstract: Adult education providers strive to build a learning environment that encourages a high level of engagement, drives motivation, and builds confidence for all their learners. However, when optimizing instruction for Adult Language Learners, there are a unique set of challenges to consider. Join Engen for an informative back-to-school session that focuses on the “how” for implementing effective strategies that create success for both learner and educator in an ELL classroom. In this webinar, participants will explore lesson planning for differentiation and personalization, learn how to use diagnostic insights to support student growth and empower learners, and identify daily instructional strategies that support blended learning and more. Join our professional learning experts for an engaging and informative discussion. Participants will see concrete examples and learn best practices for ELL instruction just in time for school to begin. Original webinar date: September 6, 2023 Webinar recording link: https://youtu.be/L6MySc89zNU