“I’m Not Afraid of Math Anymore!”
Subject Area: Mathematics/Numeracy
Program Level: GED Test Preparation
Material Type: Book Section
Language: English
License: (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) For license summary click here 

Abstract: "I'm Not Afraid of Math Anymore!" prepares students for high school equivalency math tests in a simple, targeted way. The PowerPoint gives a quick background of why I authored these books as well as a short overview. The PDF compares sample pages and the table of contents for the GED ® and HSE versions. Books are available in English and Spanish.
Join the "I'm Not Afraid of Math Anymore!" movement . . .ATTACHMENTS: PPT for Im Not Afraid of Math Anymore Side by Side Comparison of Im Not Afraid of Math Anymore GED and HSE versions School Order Form 4 2 16