Onboarding Adult Learners to Apps for Adult Basic Skills (including ESL/ESOL)
Subject Area: Blended Learning
Program Level: Adult Basic Education, Adult ESOL/ESL, Conference 2019 Materials, ESL/ESOL
Material Type: Presentations/Slideshows
Language: English
License: (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) For license summary click here 

Abstract: Most adult basic skills (including ESL/ESOL) learners now have smartphones, yet few know that free or low-cost apps can help them learn, as a supplement to what they are learning in class, or while waiting for a class or a tutor. David J. Rosen will present models for “onboarding” adult learners to have access to a suitable education app, feel comfortable and competent in using it, and begin acquiring online learning skills they will need for their learning throughout their lives. The models are suitable for adult basic skills (including ESL/ESOL) programs and for public libraries.