Teaching Techniques for Low Level Learners

Abstract: 6 Step Lesson Plan Objectives: 1. WARM—UP-An activity that a) uses previously learned content to begin a new lesson. b) lasts 5-10 minutesc) uses materials students are familiar with from previous lessonsd) or any fun activity that gets them up and moving. 2) INTRODUCTION–How will I introduce this topic? What is my purpose in teaching this topic? Which College and Career Readiness/Common Core Standard does it align with? 3) PRESENTATION–How will I incorporate Webb’s DOK into this presentation? What realia will I use from student’s lives to present this topic? 4) PRACTICE–Teacher directed, withpeers, or individually. Break into learnings stations or small groups. How will I incorporate Webb’s DOK into the practice? 5) EVALUATION–Instructor provides an activity that assesses leaners. It can even be a verbal, written, or hands-on assessment. 6) APPLICATION–An activity that requires students to apply new knowledge to their own lives or situation. © Sara Z. Gutting, LLC