There is More to Work Than Work: Strategies and Resources for Integrating Work Readiness (Soft) Skills Into Adult Education Instruction
Subject Area: Career Pathways
Program Level: Adult Basic Education, Adult ESOL/ESL, Conference 2018 Materials, GED Test Preparation, HiSET Exam Preparation, Workforce Readiness
Material Type: Presentations/Slideshows
Language: English
License: (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) For license summary click here 

Abstract: "Hard skills" are important to getting a job. "Soft skills" are important for keeping a job. We can help our students qualify for and retain jobs with family sustaining incomes if we help them improve their soft, work readiness skills. The primary focus of this session is to explore a wealth of resources, strategies, and activities for infusing soft skills into your ABE, ESL, GED®, and AHS classrooms. Many of these resources have been developed by your colleagues in other states.